Bek Ventures

Bek Ventures is a venture firm accompanying early-stage founders with a higher degree of attention. Insiders who adopt an outside perspective, we help exceptional people capitalize on it. While others are scattering their bets in the hope of increasing success, the Bek team is achieving results in an emerging, dynamic Europe.

The Bek Philosophy: Anti-mediocrity, Pro-principle

Venture capital set an era in motion, backing radical ideas from talented founders in ways that weren’t possible before.

But not long ago, we watched the venture’s principles diverge from its reality.

Just like the entrepreneurs we back, we took things into our own hands. At Bek, we thought again — and built an alternative ​​version of venture.

We take a quietly thought-provoking approach. Instead of shouting our opinions or spewing dogma, we prefer thoughtful challenges, considered opinions and deliberate actions. We stay silent 95% of the time, except the 5% it counts. All to help founders make stronger decisions.

We focus on their journey from emergent to established. And because only a select handful of innovators get the benefit of our full attention — and because we act with diligence and care — those people know just how committed we are.

Over more than a decade of operation, we’ve stayed true to the belief that discipline is key to success in venture. Discipline in the number and kinds of companies we back, how much money we raise and the team we hire. Discipline in maintaining a large dose of skepticism towards anything resembling hype. Our performance has been a natural consequence of this ethos.

The principles of venture are simple. Act with integrity. Back your conviction. And care deeply.

It shouldn’t be radical. But here we are.

London / New York / Istanbul

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