Roland Manger


Working together since 2013


The types of founders who impress me most are..

the ones whose path in life has not always been straight and predictable and who have persevered in the face of real challenges. Also, those whose talent sets are broad and sometimes surprising (e.g. math and music)

The thing that my colleagues least expected about me is..

my ability to party hard. At least sometimes.

A book I often recommend to people is..

The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.

I’m most skeptical about..

people who want to be perceived as passionate by talking lots and by being seen out and about, when in reality they are spending more time on conferences than with their teams on the ground.

The most unexpected thing about being in venture is..

how unglamorous it is when done well.

If I could have a superpower, it would be..

slowing down time.